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Send multiple invoice PDFs to a single customer in one email
This was submitted by a user via email. Currently, if you select multiple transactions to send to the same customer, it sends these as individual emails. If you select multiple invoices from the transactions list to send to the same customer, thes...
Forbidden Error message in Sage Connect too generic
Posting on behalf on X3 . The message "please contact IT Support" in the onboarding flow is too generic from a UX perspective and could be confusing for customers if they encounter issues.
Current exchange rate is recorded to 3 decimal places. Some products record the rate to 6 decimal places, therefore expect the same value to be held by Sage Network.
Customer refunds recognised as the type AR Payment
Ability to differentiate between transaction types, separating the types Payment and Receipt. In Sage Connect, would like to see the two different types (Payment and Receipt), rather than both sharing Payment.
Support Adjustment and Debit Memos in Sage Connect
Adjustment and Debit Memo are incorrectly labeled as "Credit Memo" 1. Create a new customer 2. Create a new invoice for the customer in step 1 and update 3. Process a credit & debit memo and apply to the invoice in step 2 4. Sync Sage 100 Comp...
When customers see the invoice they get date, amount, invoice number, but no other identifying information. Industry standard is to also show Project / Site Location. Solution would be to allow custom columns / fields to be shown to the customer. ...